Enquire about an old order

You can write a product review with just 5 easy steps:

   1. On any product page, scroll down and on the left-hand part of the screen, underneath the ‘Customer Feedback section’, you will see a button titled ‘Write a review of this product’.
   2. Once you click on that button you will see an image of the product, a text box, a rating section, and three sections on how the product fits. Please fill in as much information as you’d like. You can also insert your name, where you live, your email address and other brands that you recommend. 
*Please note: this section is designed around how a shoe fits. We are working on updating this section to be dynamic based on the product type. If the question does not pertain to your product type, please feel free to just type in your review in the text box and select the star ratings.
   3. Then, click on the orange ‘Submit your Review’ button..
   4. Once you’ve submitted your review, it may take up to 5 business days for it to appear on the site.

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