

This course covers the following topics:

  • Basic Elements of Literature
  • Elements of Literature II
  • Literary Devices Introduction
  • Grammar Review – The Parenthesis
  • Story Structure
  • The Plot Diagram
  • How Authors Create
  • Mystery, Tension, or Surprise.
  • Grammar Review – The Colon
  • Being an Active Reader
  • Remembering What You Read
  • Definition & Examples of a Theme
  • Grammar Review – The Comma
  • Inference: An Introduction & How To
  • How to do a Close Reading
  • How to Find & Use Textual Evidence
  • Grammar Review – The Semi-Colon
  • Elements of Drama
  • Character Archetypes
  • Character Development: Affecting Plot & Theme
  • Grammar Review – Quotation Marks
  • Assigned book – William Shakespheare- “Romeo and Juliet”

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