Partner Policy

When you order from a seller that fulfills and ships its own inventory (also called a third party seller), your return is sent back to the seller instead of While most sellers offer a returns policy equivalent to's, some seller returns policies may vary. You can view the return policy of the seller before you purchase an item by viewing the Returns and Refunds Policy section of the seller profile page. .

Third-party sellers must either provide a return address within the United States, provide a prepaid return label, or offer a full refund without requesting the item be returned. If a seller does not offer these methods to return your items, you may file an A-to-z Guarantee claim to seek help with your return.

If you are sending the item within the United States and the order is valued at $100 or more, insure the shipment for the value of the merchandise and ship your return with a signature shipping service. Items valued over $35 must be returned to the seller with a trackable shipping service. For items below $35, we suggest USPS delivery confirmation service. If a package doesn't arrive and you don't use a trackable method to return or if you refuse the shipment as a method of return, we may not be able to cover you under the A-to-z Guarantee.

Note: If the seller's listing is eligible for BeAsport Prime, it will be subject to the same return policies as items fulfilled by that are outlined on this page.

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