Cancel Items or Orders

You can cancel items or orders that haven't entered the shipping process yet by visiting the Order section in Your Account.

To cancel an item or an entire order:

  1. Go to Your Orders.
    • BeASport and Digital orders appear separate. See the BeASport Orders or Digital Orders tab
  2. Click Cancel Items.
    • For BeASport orders, click View or Edit Order and delete items individually from your order. Once deleted, items are removed from your order.
  3. Select the check box next to each item you wish to remove from the order. If you wish to cancel the entire order, select all of the items.
  4. Click Cancel checked items when finished.

Cancel Items or Orders four step infographic based on topic steps

After submitting the cancellation, we'll send you a confirmation message to the e-mail address on your account.

You can also confirm that the order was cancelled by visiting Your Orders. If you see the order in the Cancelled Orders section, it was successfully cancelled.

If your order shipped directly from and cannot be modified, you may refuse the package or return it using our Online Returns Center .

If your order shipped directly from a seller and cannot be modified, please contact the seller for instructions. For more information on how to contact the seller, go to Contact Third-Party Sellers.

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