Developing in Expo

Apps are served from our exp/XDE through a tunnel service by default (we currently use ngrok for this) -- this means that you don't have to have your device connected to your computer, or to even be in the same room or country (or planet? I guess it should work from space) as the development machine and you can still live reload, use hot module reloading, enable remote JS debugging, and all of those things you can do normally with React Native. One caveat to this is that using a tunnel is a bit slower than using your LAN address or localhost, so if you can, you should use LAN or localhost. See how to configure this in exp/XDE.

  • Expo streams your device logs to exp and XDE so you don't need to run adb logcat or the iOS equivalent -- the console.log / warn /error messages from any device that is connected to your app will show up automatically in your exp/XDE logs window.

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