No two contractors are exactly alike – so QuoteSoft Pipe is customized to fit your every need. QuoteSoft Pipe estimating software is a powerful software solution for plumbing, piping and mechanical contractors who need a simple to use tool to estimate labor hours and material costs for pipe, valves and fittings.

Make estimating easier and your takeoff faster:

Preparing accurate takeoffs requires a tremendous amount of knowledge, materials, specifications, labor rates, and factors. Finding people with the right skills is not easy. QuoteSoft Piping offers an alternative. By customizing QuoteSoft with the knowledge of your senior estimators into company-standard data tables, takeoff can be done by new estimators and project managers and your senior staff can focus on working the crucial takeoffs that will ensure winning profitable jobs and improving the bottom line.

QuoteSoft Piping is the only program to:

  • Show labor and material during takeoff
  • Spool pipe lengths automatically
  • Show the hanger during takeoff
  • Show assembly audit trail picture during takeoff
  • Mark up PDF with the pictures of fittings and specialties during takeoff
  • Automatically add pipe between fittings during takeoff
  • Automatically download database updates from the cloud
  • Upload jobs to other locations using the cloud
  • Total an area’s labor and material on the fly in on-screen
  • Export from On-Screen directly to Excel
  • Import material lists from all AutoCAD and Revit MEP systems
  • Export labor and material costs to AutoCAD and Revit MEP systems
  • Show the width of pipe during takeoff
  • Import from iPhone and iPad lists of pipe, valves, fittings and job items

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Built around a database with over 110,000 standard items. We’ve included data from major manufacturers of pipe, valves, and fittings to customize for your use. We walk you through a comprehensive process to design and implement a custom solution to fit your specific needs.  Over the phone and over the web our techs work with you to refine your estimating process.

With QuoteSoft’s specification driven takeoff you simply select the size, and automatically the appropriate type of pipe, valve’s, fitting’s, flange’s, and hanger’s, are immediately ready to be input, right down to the specific manufacturer. With the power of the spec, you can input the right item at the right size every time. For items that are outside of a specification, QuoteSoft allows you to select any item from the entire database at any time. QuoteSoft is specification driven, not specification limited., flanges, hangers, and specialties. The included labor database provides user modifiable standards for MCAA hours for each of the items in our database. QuoteSoft is the ONLY program that shows you the labor hours and material from the database during takeoff.

Streamline your estimating takeoff by using assemblies. QuoteSoft Piping includes hundreds of industry-specific assemblies. We walk you through changing and modifying any assemblies required to meet your individual specifications.

Download your labor and material takeoff to Microsoft Excel for your custom final bid summary. Our standard spreadsheet includes equipment, fixtures, labor rates, rentals, and all job-related costs.  Interoperability: Integrate your estimating system with cloud and back-office operations. Integrated export module include customizable CSV, DATABASE, XML formats. Custom export formats available.

When working with “What If” scenarios, QuoteSoft Piping is the ideal estimating and project management companion. Alternate specifications can be quantified while preserving your original bid because of our specification flexibility allows you to create “What If” scenarios, giving you more control when creating and modifying your bids.

Automatically mark-up electronic plan files with: On-Screen Blueprint – PDF – Dodge Plan – – AutoCAD. Increase your bid volume and improve your labor hour & material cost accuracy with QuoteSoft mechanical estimating software, featuring our easy set-up, simple takeoff, on-the-fly pipe generation, instant global changes, and easy integration with BIM and CAD software.

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