Based in Encino, California, Incredible Veins offers patients a wide range of services including treatment for varicose veins, sclerotherapy, and microphlebectomy.
Realizing that more and more individuals suffering from these conditions were researching treatments online, the opportunity was clear. Here’s how we helped.


When our team first evaluated the practice’s existing search engine presence, we found that it was actually fairly strong — there were several opportunities for improvement, to be sure, but there were a handful of search keywords for which the site already had first page rankings.

Reviewing the site analytics revealed that these searches were generating site traffic, as well, but Incredible Veins reported that they received very few new patient leads through their site. So what was the problem?

After extensive path analysis and heat mapping of user sessions on logged on the site, our team determined that the design flaws on the website were the cause of these missed opportunities. Although the team at Incredible Veins was pleased with its visual appeal, it was clear that changes would need to be made for the practice to successfully connect with their desired demographic.

With that in mind, our web design team began brainstorming ways to make the site more user-friendly while still incorporating a sophisticated design aesthetic.

Though ranking well for the right searches is essential when it comes to driving traffic to your website, none of it matters if your site’s design and layout prevents visitors from taking the desired actions.
Despite being an afterthought for many agencies, our bottom-up approach puts user experience first, preventing missed opportunities and maximizing client ROI.
Furthermore, as Google’s ranking algorithm becomes more sophisticated, sites that prioritize user experience continue to receive increased preference in rankings.


After analyzing the user session data gathered from the research performed on the previous Incredible Veins site, our web design team recommended a simpler aesthetic paired with functional design choices tailored to the type of patient the practice was hoping to attract.

Given the team’s specialty in treating varicose veins, the expectation was that their most profitable page views would come from search engine users who were older in age, especially since most of the clinic’s treatments are covered through Medicare.

As a result, our developers focused on using larger text where possible and creating a simpler, more intuitive sitemap. In addition, our team ensured that key page elements—such as the web form used for booking consultations—were placed in areas of the page that demanded visual attention, such as the upper-left portion of the homepage.

Throughout the design process, our web developers collaborated with our SEO team to ensure that every single page was built in line with established best practices and optimized for keywords with meaningful search volume and strong transactional intent.

The results were impressive:

  • 27 keywords rose to first-page rankings
  • Organic search traffic increased by 55%
  • Bounce rate fell by 38%


Once development was complete and the site was live, off-page signals were then optimized by curating a rich, diverse portfolio of high-quality backlinks. These served to improve the site’s domain authority, providing a secondary boost to search result rankings.

When selecting keywords to target for this project, it was critical to avoid a mistake commonly made by marketers: falling prey to the search volume trap.

Marketers will often be enamored by the high search volumes of keywords like “varicose veins,” forgetting that users searching for such generic terms will be early in the purchasing funnel — assuming that they are even viable leads to begin with.

Meanwhile, for all we know, the majority of such searches could be performed by physiology majors doing research for their senior thesis, instead of by potential patients actively seeking treatment.

As a result, focusing on late-funnel keywords — such as “sclerotherapy Los Angeles” — would not only serve to filter out searches by individuals who had no need for treatment but also provide exposure to the individuals most likely to submit their information on the website.

Taken together with the new website’s improved user interface, this dramatically increased the number of information forms submitted through the website, generating more patient leads for the clinic than ever before.


In addition to the organic and paid search strategies described above, Kobe Digital also helped Fox Rent A Car achieve even further reach by using real-time bidding technology to secure ad placements that would have been otherwise unattainable. These placements included relevant email newsletters, smartphone applications, and native web placements beyond the scope of through a traditional, search-driven strategy.

These placement opportunities were identified using contextual, behavioral, and lookalike targeting methods, then bid on using a proprietary, conversion-driven buying algorithm optimized in real time.

The result: ads that converted 26% more often and resulted in a 12% larger average transaction size than comparable display ads being served in the pay-per-click advertising campaign.

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