Listing a vehicle

Getting approved

Before you can list a vehicle, you must get approved to use Turo. When you do, we’ll ask for your:

  1. Driver’s license number and expiration date
  2. Home address
  3. Last four digits of your Social Security number (US only)
  4. A photo of yourself for your Turo profile picture


Users can’t share an account. Enter your own information only. If you enter someone else’s data, we can’t approve you, and you won’t be able to list. Once approved, you can list as many eligible vehicles as you’d like.

Listing your vehicle

To list your vehicle on Turo, it must:

When you’re listing your vehicle, you’ll be required to:

  1. Be age 21 or older in the US and Canada and age 25 or older in the UK. In the UK, 23- and 24-year-olds can list vehicles if those vehicles are 3 years old or newer.
  2. Have valid car insurance
  3. Enter the vehicle license plate number. Please make sure your license plate is accurate and up to date. If you need to, you can update the vehicle's license plate number any time in the Details section of your car settings.
  4. Enter the vehicle make, model, and year
  5. Enter the Vehicle identification number (VIN), if applicable
  6. Upload at least one photo of your car
  7. Write a detailed description of your vehicle

Listing requirements

  • Enter a VIN that’s unique. Hosts who enter a VIN that matches the VIN of a vehicle already listed on Turo won’t be able to list that vehicle.
  • Keep personal information such as your phone number, home address and social media out of your listing.

Listing recommendations

Leasing agreements

Review the language of your lease or financing documents to be sure you’re allowed to list your vehicle on a car sharing platform.


Hosts in the UK must get permission from their lessors before listing.


There are only three reasons why you’d be unable to view your completed vehicle listing:

  • You unlisted your vehicle
  • You set your vehicle to “snooze” 
  • We contacted you to say we unlisted or removed your vehicle from our platform 

If you’d like to relist your car or end your vehicle’s “snooze” session early, access the Vehicle page from the Host dropdown menu and edit your listing. If we unlisted your vehicle, we’ll let you know when it’s OK for you to relist it or we’ll relist it for you.   

Here are a few reasons why you might be having trouble finding your vehicle listing:  

  • Searching unavailable times or dates. When you search, be sure to double check the dates and times of your vehicle’s upcoming bookings. Also, check any dates for which you’ve blocked your calendar. Your vehicle won’t appear in searches if your search times overlap with times when your car is not available. The same is true if you’re searching with trip start and end times that are outside of your availability time periods. 
  • Searching without enough advanced notice. When searching, be sure to choose a start date that’s within your advance notice timeframe.
  • Searching outside your delivery radius. Double-check the number of miles/kilometres you’ve said you’d be willing to travel to deliver your vehicle. Then, make sure that the search city or zip code you’re using is within that delivery radius.
  • Searching for a Deluxe or Super Deluxe vehicle while under the age of 30. Turo doesn’t allow members who are under the age of 30 to book “Deluxe” or “Super Deluxe” vehicles, so we don’t show these vehicles to those users. If you’re under 30 and have listed a Deluxe or Super Deluxe vehicle, you won’t be able to see the listing.  
  •  Manual transmission. Your car may have a manual transmission, but you haven’t indicated that you’re an expert at driving a stick shift. To update your profile, access your Account, scroll down to “Transmission,” and choose “Yes, I am an expert.”
  • Searching a longer trip length than your vehicle accepts. When you search, make sure you’re selecting a trip length that’s within your vehicle’s limits.

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